
Flying with your oculus rift

Ever dreamed of flying? Now u can! Flying rig for the
oculus rift ! can’t wait for this to be made into a game.

this rig has the following features.

– hand movement for wing flaps

– gyroscope tracks your orientation

– fan to simulate wind, speed and also acts as a delivery system for scents.

– Smells more sensory feed back to tell your nose where you are flying over. For example a city, a rubbish dump, a road and a pine forest.

more info about virtual reality and oculus rift here


flapping your wings on the flight rig and flight sim

flapping your wings on the flight rig and flight sim

in game view of the flight rig and flight sim

in game view of the flight rig and flight sim

the fan which speeds up or slows down depending on what you do

the fan which speeds up or slows down depending on what you do

the smells of the environment you're flying over

the smells of the environment you’re flying over

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