
Cultural Factor contributing to VR & Oculus Rift

Society and technology can be often fueled by war, money, self-expression and the need to feel a connection with each other.
In 1960 when the Philco Corporation developed the Headsight it was for altruistic purposes. The intended use was for operators to remotely view dangerous situations. However the American military put this technology straight into use for the purpose of training soldiers for operations.
Without even considering military applications, Heilig invented the Sensorama as a means of expression, he made the Sensorama for cinema and entertainment purposes.

Much later in the mid 1980’s game developers used VR to satisfy consumer desires for immersion and entertainment purposes. Users of VR compared to console gaming are still relatively small in numbers however its uses have had profound effects on for the individual. For instance Forbes magazine technology editor Antony Leather wrote an online article detailing of his first encounter with VR as a seven year old boy. He described the experience as “one of the defining technology experiences of my life”.


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This entry was posted on November 16, 2014 by in Cultural Factor and tagged .